
Coco has been adopted! Coco is a 5 yr old Shiba/Miniature Pinscher mix. His story began when he was adopted as a puppy by the only family he’s ever known. When that family could no longer care for him, he found himself in rescue once again. Coco is a sweet sensitive boy and was quite traumatized by the loss of his family. He was grieving and had a real fear of abandonment. He was ready for adoption but would need extra help to get through another transition and loss.
Robert and Kat love animals. They have a cat, a bearded dragon, a salamander, and a snake. All great pets, but not exactly hiking buddies. They were ready for a dog to share their love of the outdoors and have adventures with. Robert got to know a neighbor’s Shiba growing up and was attracted to the breed, but adopting a rescue dog was the most important thing to them, regardless of the breed.
Coco had been in rescue a while, but wasn’t having any luck finding a forever home. He’d had plenty of interest, yet none of them were right. On the one hand, he had some meet and greets that didn’t go well because he was reactive to the other dog, however, he was also being passed up for reasons like: he’s not a pure Shiba, he’s not a puppy, and was a bit of a barker too. We were sad for Coco, but when Robert and Kat applied for him, hope was restored! None of these things mattered to Robert and Kat. They were not looking for a puppy, they had the patience for a slow transition, and the barking was not an issue. They just saw a dog who really needed them, and they were ready to love him, no matter what!
When meeting Robert and Kat for the fist time, Coco was more comfortable than we’d ever seen him at a meet and greet before. When he returned to their home to begin his adoption trial, he was so excited to see them; he wagged his tail and pulled hard on the leash, excited to go inside. He and Kat formed a special bond straight away, and it didn’t take him long to love Robert too. He has really come out of his shell and is living his best life now. Robert and Kat report that waking up to his smiling face every morning makes their day. Here’s to many more years of that! Congrats to all!