Colfax Marathon – May 16 & 17- Walk, Run, or Jog for Shibas!

Run, Walk, or Jog for the Shibas! We are proud to be 1st time charity partners for the Colfax Marathon on May 16 & 17, and encourage all to join us in the dog friendly 5K walk (or beyond) to raise awareness for the Colorado Shiba Inu Rescue. Register today and choose COSIR as the charity you are running for. Already registered? You can update your registration to run for COSIR!
With 20+ walkers, joggers, or runners signed up on behalf of the Shibas, we earn a tent at the race on 5/17. There we can raise awareness and DONATIONS for the rescue It’s a win=win!
Go to to sign up to walk in the 5K or other races!