
5 month old female Shiba Inu
Ellie has been adopted! Ellie was purchased from a breeder by a young college girl. She quickly realized she did not have the time to devote to a dog, especially a Shiba puppy! She made the right decision for Ellie. She surrendered her, knowing that Ellie would have a better life with someone who not only had time for her, but understood the unique needs of the breed.
At just 5 months old, it was important to get Ellie into rescue as quickly as possible. All of our foster homes were full, but our former rescue Director of many years, Julia, had expressed interest in fostering-to-adopt after taking a few years off to start her family and focus on her oldest Shiba, Kyuuki’s health problems.
When Kyuukai passed, they were devastated. He and her son, Ansel, were best friends. Their time together was so brief, and Ansel is so young. Julia worried Ansel would not remember him. With their Shiba mix, Livic, already 11 years old, Julia knew that if she wanted her son to grow up with a Shiba, the time was right to adopt.
We could not have founds a more qualified adopter for Ellie if we tried! Julia has fostered hundreds of Shibas over the years and is our most experienced volunteer. Because of her skills and knowledge, she’s always taken on the most challenging and troubled of dogs. Dogs with major health and/or behavior problems, that are difficult to place and require a ton of work. So when she got Ellie, a sweet, naturally well behaved, undamaged dog with no issues, and good with kids and dogs, it felt a bit strange to her. “There’s nothing wrong with this dog”, she said. We assured her it was ok; she had done her time in rescue helping the troubled ones, and she should just enjoy an “easy one” for a change!
She took our advice, and it didn’t take long for the entire family to fall in love and decide to adopt Ellie. She loves her big brother, Livic. Despite his age and arthritis, he puts up with her rambunctious playful romps. Ellie and Ansel quickly became inseparable; she never lets him out of her sight. And Ellie loves having a home with a big yard, going for daily walks, hiking, and regular road trips and adventures with her family. We could not be happier for Ellie, Julia, Drew, Ansel, Livic and Ellie. Enjoy your perfect little family Julia. You deserve it!