
Isabella has been adopted!! Isabella is a 3-year-old spayed red female that was rescued from a puppy mill breeder by a kind man who didn’t want her to suffer anymore. Unfortunately, his other dog was a fierce resource guarder and would not let her anywhere near her human, to the point that she voluntarily spent all of her time in her crate. She was a fearful, traumatized, anxious dog that never bonded to owner and needed slow introductions.
Isabella needed to meet her potential fosters/adopters a couple of times before she was comfortable interacting. After that, this aloof and skittish girl allowed pets and walked them around her neighborhood like a boss! She did great in the home with them, sleeping, eating, enjoying her walks and absolutely LOVED her backyard time. As her fosters brought their family members over to meet her, she was still a bit skittish but went right up to them to greet them. Though we knew she was a girl’s girl, she began to figure out that men are all right too! One day, she surprised everyone when she gave her foster daddy a kiss on the nose when he was putting on his golf shoes. She will now sit by him and lick his legs on the couch and is getting more and more confident every day. Barry has since said she would be absolutely perfect if she could play golf!
Isabella is full of energy, loves the outdoors and exploring the world, feeling more comfortable outside than inside. Her adopters understood this and took her transition very slow, resulting in a win-win for them and Isabella. Congratulations to Isabella, Barry and Cheryl!