
This adorable boy is 5 yr old Joly. He’s super friendly and full of energy! Sadly, his mom’s poor health meant he spent the last 4 years housebound, with insufficient exercise, stimulation, and socialization. As she lost all hope that her health would improve, she made the difficult decision to rehome him so he could live a fulfilled life.
Roger is a super fit, active, adventurous senior who has always had Shibas in his life. His last Shiba passed away at 18 yrs old last fall. Roger’s focus then shifted to his beloved wife’s care, who was ill. When she passed away this summer, he knew the time was right to adopt. He was eager to have a new companion and a best friend to join him on his daily expeditions throughout the Western Slope of Colorado where lives.
When Roger read Joly’s post, his heart broke; as a lover outdoor adventure, and knowing how much stimulation the breed requires, he couldn’t imagine Joly being confined to his home with postage stamp yard, and no social outlet. Roger was bursting with excitement at the idea of liberating Joly! Knowing that Roger has a wealth of family nearby that will be part of Joly’s life, and able to step in and care for him should something happen to Roger, we felt good about moving forward.
Roger made the drive to Santa Fe to meet Joly. We enlisted the help of a couple Shiba-experienced locals (a trainer and friend of Joly and his mom), to facilitate the meet and greet and assure us that the two were a good match. Roger and Joly were fast friends, and with everyone’s blessing, they headed back to Grand Junction.
Since then, Joly has truly been living his best life. He is glued to Roger’s side as he works in his orchid garden. They play chase in his massive back yard, they walk 3 miles a day, and hike regularly, as well as cross-country ski. Joly is reveling in the joy of having a extended family to spoil him and is so bonded to Roger. Now that’s what we call a happy ending! Congrats to Roger and Joly!