
Meeko is only 3 yrs old, yet he’s already had 3 homes! His past humans all confessed they underestimated how much work a Shiba can be, saying he was simply “too much” for them. An all too common story for Shibas, but in Meeko’s case, he’s dealing with some unique challenges beyond the usual “Shibaness”. Of course, all that moving around was just making things worse!
His “bad behaviors” were really just manifestations of physical and mental issues that had not been properly diagnosed or addressed until in rescue. With the help of a neurologist, behaviorist, and positive reinforcement trainer, we realized he’s been dealing with both OCD, and chronic soft tissue pain, his entire life. After much trial and error, and one failed adoption, we managed to find the right combination of medication to keep his pain at bay and quiet his overactive mind. We learned what he needed in a home to be successful, and the importance of training to help him make good decisions and the humans to read him and communicate better with him. We just needed the right adopter; someone empathetic to his struggles and committed enough to get through the ups and downs that would come.
Steve and Stacy had to say goodbye to their beloved Shiba of 17 years, Kato, but they were ready to welcome another Shiba into their home. They were most interested in a dog that really needed their help. They applied for Meeko because he sounded a bit like Kato, who had been such a good buddy to their 8 yr old Chihuahua, Zippo.
Meeko is thriving in their home. He and Zippo are good friends, but the bond between Meeko and Steve is both remarkable and adorable! Steve is such a proud papa and clearly loves his boy! They are learning how sensitive Meeko can be, and how to adapt to his needs so he can live his best life. Steve and Stacy will begin working with the trainer Meeko already knows soon. We are excited for Meeko’s fourth home to be his final home! Congrats to Steve, Stacy, Zippo, and Meeko!