
7 yr old Ruby spent her life with a breeder in NE. When they were “done” with her, they adopted her to an elderly woman with no Shiba experience. About 6 months later, she realized she was not a good fit for Ruby, or the breed in general. So, she made a difficult decision to surrender her to rescue in an effort to give Ruby a better life. ��What she didn’t know, and the breeder should have told her, was how much exercise Shibas need; something she was not physically able to give. Nor did she realize how important an outdoor space is to a dog like Ruby, who’d lived in a rural setting with lots of freedom. Her small apartment in downtown Denver, with not even a balcony to sunbathe on, was a strange and anxiety inducing environment for Ruby. The insufficient exercise and outdoor space, combined with the unfamiliar noises of a high-rise amid the hustle and bustle of downtown, put Ruby on edge. She lost 5 pounds, her coat looked terrible, she barked at everything, and started guarding. Despite hiring a dog walker, Ruby’s anxiety continued to escalate and it came to a head when Ruby bit someone. Ruby simply was not happy or acclimating to her new environment.
Michael and Karen had lost their 2 senior Shibas, within a few months of each other. They were heartbroken and their 12 year old Dachshund, Stanley, was lonely. They knew it was the right time to adopt again when they saw Ruby’s post.
They could offer Ruby a quiet, semi-rural area, which would be more Ruby’s speed. They take long walks every day and have a fenced-in yard for zoomies. Stanley was trained by their past Shibas to respect another dog’s space and would be a great big brother! We were excited to introduce everyone.
Ruby instantly took to Michael and Karen; asking for pets. She and Stanley seemed to enjoy each other’s company. Ruby met, and approved of, their Shiba-savvy grandkids. We witnessed Ruby’s anxiety melting away and it was clear that Ruby was home. Within a few hours, Michael reported Ruby chose one of the grandkids, Bella, as her favorite little human; jumping up on the couch to snuggle. A ‘happily ever after’ for Ruby. Congrats Michael, Karen, Stanley, and Ruby!