6 yr old Taz is a handsome energetic boy. When the only family he’d ever known moved to Colorado, he was re-homed because they couldn’t find a rental that allowed dogs. His new home had a dog. Despite their best efforts, there were too many incidents of Taz attacking their dog, and it was clear they were not going to cohabitate peacefully. Surrender was inevitable. While patiently waiting for the right foster, Taz started having seizures. Anxiety can trigger seizures, and the tension with the other dog was definitely anxiety inducing for Taz, so we needed to find him a home fast!
We received an adoption application from Drew after his Heeler had passed away and he was ready to adopt again. He’d always wanted a Shiba but made sure to educate himself about the breed before committing. In doing so, he found some similarities between his dog and Shibas; (not being sociable with kids or dogs, highly active, fearful of/not trusting new people easily, etc). He felt he was prepared to be a Shiba parent, and thought a middle aged Shiba might be a good “starter Shiba”. We agreed and asked him to consider Taz.
Drew was not the least bit concerned about the potential neurological issues that the seizures may have implied. He didn’t have a dog, and was okay with remaining a 1 dog home for Taz if need be. He did however, have a cat, which was uncharted territory for Taz. The meet and greet would have to go well with the the kitty, Cosmo, for this to work. At the meet and greet, Taz and Cosmo just ignored each other and Taz did well meeting the neighbor’s dog through the fence. Drew was instantly smitten with Taz, and the feeling was mutual, so Taz’s foster-to-adopt trial began!
We immediately got Taz in to see the neurologist who ruled out a brain tumor. He felt stress was a factor, so advised us to let Taz settle in and see how he does. After a few attempts to chase and catch Cosmo, we set Drew up with some training and Drew followed their advice to a ’T’. Fast forward a couple months: Taz has been seizure free since December. Taz is respectful of the Cosmo, but Cosmo ignores Taz’s play bows. Luckily, Drew’s brother has a dog who is happy to play with Taz. They get along just great and are truly best buddies now! We are so happy for Drew, Cosmo, and Taz. What an adorable happy little family!