
Wiley has been adopted! –
This very special boy is Wiley. We believe he is a Shiba / Klee Kai mix. He was estimated to be about 2 years old when he first came into rescue in December of 2019. Wiley had been hit by a car and desperately needed medical attention. However, his owner planned to “shoot him” instead :0. That just didn’t fly with the kind, compassionate neighbor that would become Wiley’s savior. She took him in, and immediately noticed his is lack of motor coordination, constant spinning, and lameness in his rear legs. She realized he would need extensive care that was beyond her means, and the best place for him was in rescue. A dog in Wylie’s condition, and needing so much care, was not going to be easy to place. He was going to require and extraordinary person to say the least.
Larry and LaDana are an animal loving family and big fans of the “Shibatude” that comes with the breed. They were looking for a playmate for their young female Shiba, Arie, and a good buddy for Dachshund, Theo. But most importantly, they wanted to give something back, and make a difference in the life of a dog in need. Larry and LaDana have so much to offer any dog, but the fact that they were willing to take on a dog with special needs was key. When we approached them about Wiley, we didn’t know yet what his prognosis would be, but they were not deterred. The welcomed Wiley with open arms.
Wiley fit into Larry and LaDana’s home right away. All dogs got along, and Wylie seemed quite smitten with Larry. We were thrilled to see him in such a loving home, as it would be a long and difficult road for all of them. In addition to Wiley’s neurological symptoms and orthopedic injuries, he also suffered from severe ear infections, bouts of seizures and aggressive behaviors. His ears and legs healed, but the neurological damage resulted in some scary moments where we were not sure he was going to make it. He saw the best neurological specialists, who finally got him on the right combination of meds and have saved his life. It was nothing short of a miracle, but quite an emotional roller coaster.
In the end, Wiley spent more than a year and half in rescue. Larry and LaDana’s undying devotion to him was critical to his recovery and created an unbreakable bond between them. When they told us they would like to adopt him, we can’t say we were surprised. It seemed inconceivable that a dog and his humans could go through so much together and not become a family in the end. We don’t have sufficient words to express how grateful we are to Larry and LaDana. They have given Wiley a wonderful, enriched life full of love and joy. Congrats to Larry, LaDana, Arie, Theo, and Wiley!