
Yuki has been adopted!
Beautiful Yuki is a 7.5-year-old female cream Shiba that was surrendered by the only family she’d ever known. Yuki was living with a 2-year-old child who did not respect her space. Although Yuki tolerated this, and never showed aggression towards the child, she was clearly anxious around him. She needed a home with no kids, or kids that understood how to interact properly with dogs. She was also not getting the attention and exercise she needed which resulted in her putting on extra weight. Her family tried to rehome her twice but due to her resource guarding of food, toys and favorite spaces from other dogs, they were not successful. This poor girl was going through a lot of change. Yuki needed a home without pets and someone who would help her shed the extra pounds through exercise and a better diet with fresh food. She also was not a fan of pooping on a leash or in public, so a home with a secure, fenced backyard was a necessity.
Little did Yuki know her future was about to change for the better when Ike decided he’d like to try fostering-to-adopt and submitted an application. He was a fan of the breed because his friends had Shiba Inus and he finally decided it was time to find a companion to go hiking and exploring, and it just so happened this playful little girl loved walking and hiking! He was the perfect fit with a pet-free home, an active lifestyle, a fenced backyard, AND he also wanted Yuki to have a better life! While in rescue, Yuki received the vet care she so desperately needed, including vaccinations, treatment for her allergies, and thanks to so many wonderful donors in our Spring Fundraiser, a critical dental procedure to extract two fractured teeth. Yuki and Ike have turned out to be a match made in heaven and today, Yuki is looking svelte, happy and healthy. Congratulations!